domingo, 20 de enero de 2013

Biology Hat Trick

Three pupils of the IES Rosalía were the best in the Galician  "Olimpiada de Bioloxía" phase celebrated January. The pupils were: Paula RodríguezAlberto Rama and Fernando Castro, they were selected for the following national phase, they are going to be great!.
Congratulations to all of them, and to all those that decide to present themselves to these competitions.

domingo, 13 de enero de 2013

Unit 4 The circulatory and excretory systems

There is an excellent blog made in a science bilingual project, we are going to use it as a source of good learning material, for example this one related to circulatory system.
How can we measure blood pressure?
How a normal heart pumps blood?
And please donét forget the lymphatic system,  another video.
The best 2012 scientific video is catalan and about the heart,    let´s look at it

And now, lets´look at our kidneys: How kidneys work,  The kidneys ,  kidney: structure and function ;  and nephron