jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

Unit 3. Digestive and Respiratory Systems

The human digestive system processes food that we eat. It is made up of multiple organs and glands that digest food, extract nutrients and later expel the waste products.
Here you can find some help to learn digestive system and digestion in english: a video1 ; another video 2 ;   Listening, diagram and some facts; MacGraw H video ;  Vocabulary explained. And at the end you can try with some tests: tests 1;  quiz 2 ;  quiz3;   quiz4;  quiz5.  Listening and flashcards.  Label the diagram , vocabulary gamesQuiz games ,  another diagram .  And much more typing digestion quiz at Google.  Digestion song.
      Digestion. A window at the stomach. A French Canadian, Alexis St Martin, was accidentally shot in his side on June 6, 1822, Dr Beaumont treated him, and although St Martin recovered, he had an opening nearly 2cm across that led directly into his stomach. Dr Beaumont used him as human guinea pig to study works. St Martin lived with the hole in his stomach until he died in 1880, at the age of 82.This was the first documented study of digestion.
Nowadays we know digestion process quite well. We are studying digestion these days and you have to prepare next exam, reading unit 3 and doing exercises. You can find our class handouts, and presentation here: Vocabulary+exercises  ( and at Rosalia virtual class ) , digestion animation .
To those who like cooking I recomend a movie: "Julie & Julia" Nora Ephrom ( trailer )
Similar aid related to respiratory system: video 1 , video 2: inspiration and expiration , respiratory system song ,

UNITS 2 and 3 EXAM (just digestive system).  You have to be ready for the next exam, it will be on the first week of december. You have to read again units 2 and 3 (UP TO PAGE 47), look at the exercises and hand outs. The exam will have questions such as:  true and false,  multiple choice,  figures to fill in and tables or graphs to be interpreted. EXAM WILL NOT INCLUDE any respiratory system question!.

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013

Unit 2. Food and nutrition

We are studying here the basics of human nutrition, its relationship with the care and development of our body, as well as its implications for health and illness.
How can you start?. 1. Check you understand the meaning of the words in blue;   2. Underline unknown vocabulary, look at the dictionary and copy these words your exercise book.
then read one page and copy and answer book exercises, ask the teacher those exercises that you do not understand.
There are a huge amount of food resources, here there are just some funny: the healthy weight ,  nutrition and good health  ,  diet an exercise  ,  audio BBC 
Some videos to improve listening skills: The benefits of fiber,  Functional foods ,  Food additives effects on kids ,  and Fast food survival .

martes, 8 de octubre de 2013

Premios Nobel

Estanse dando a coñecer estes días os Premios Nobel 2012. O Premio Nobel de Física é para os "pais" do Bosón de Higgs. Hai máis de 50 anos propuxeron un mecanismo para explicar a formación da materia no universo e que se desenvolveu dando o que hoxe se coñece como física de partículas. Os seus cálculos teóricos foron comprobados recientemente no CERN suízo. É polo tanto un premio e recoñecemento á ciencia europea.
Onte douse a coñecer tamén o Premio Nobel de Mediciña, foi para os científicos que estudiaron e xplicaron con detalle os movementos de vesículas (con moléculas) no interior da célula. É un momento adecuado para nos, que estamos estudiando a célula.
Por certo sabedes quen foi Alfred Nobel?. É o premio con maior prestíxio na comunidade científica a nivel mundial, e incluso o ranking de universidades se fai atendendo a estudiantes ou profesores "nobeles" que se relacionan con esas institutcións. En España tan so podemos citar a D Santiago Ramón y Cajal (estudiando as neuronas e a sinapse), e Severo Ochoa (éste último traballando en EEUU no ADN). Lamentablemente é un síntoma da ciencia española.
Os próximos anos veremos premios relacionados co cerebro, que é en este momento un reto para entender o seu funcionamento a nivel molecular.

jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013

Unit 1 The Human Body: cells, tissues and systems

Hi everyone, we are going to share this small web space, this blog will help you (to study, to enjoy and and to learn more). We have to use english at the classroom, it is hard, but we shall be proud at the end of the Year, I am sure.
Try to focus on words in black and blue at the book, repeat, write and try to understand them.
You should practice doing activities and work on Biology at least twice a week.
Stem cells are cells capable of regenerating one or more different cell types. Stem cells are will be part of medicine treatment of some serious illness such as Alzheimer or heart attack.
 To those who want to know more about these stem cells try here.
The Nobel Prize in Medicine 2013 is coming, you can write name/s and bring it to the class. Last year the Nobel Prize was awarded to Sir John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka for their discovery that "mature, specialised cells can be reprogrammed to become immature cells capable of developing into all tissues of the body. Does it sound like stem cells?.
Some videos:  Parts os an animal cell,  A cell rap (funny),  The inner life of the cell (animation)
Higher level, quite useful with transcript, very well explained (much better than mine!) Atour of the cell.   Types of human tissue.  Stem cells1  Stem cells2
Other videos:

As soon as we finish the Unit 1 we can do a quick test
The unit 1 test will be quite similar to the hand out I gave it to you with true/false and multiple choice questions, a cell table and a microscope figure.
The microscope names will be written on the exam, you have to find where the names are placed
You have to read the textbook unit 1 (more than once) and answer the exercises I told you ( they are written at the vocabulary hand out). Test questions can be related with the textbook questions
The vocabulary  hand out (I gave it to you) is a help to understand your textbook.
The unit 1 handout has also a figure explaining stem cells, look at it. Remember that  the textbook  exercises  must be done at  your exercise book.

Back to school again!

It´s school time again! You are probably feeling excited and maybe a little sad that summer is over. Some pupils feel nervous or a little scared on the first day of school because all the new things: new teachers, new friends, and maybe a new school. Luckily, these "new" worries only stick around for a little while.
We kicked off the school by introducing ourselves and talking about all the stuff we´ll be doing this year, mainly rules and what to do to get a good Grade.
Third Secondary Year is a big change from middle school to a high school and we would like to help you adjust. Here are a few tips for a fantastic school year:

  • get enough sleep
  • eat a healthy breakfast
  • try your best
  • use good work habits, like writing down your assignments and turning in your homework on time
  •  take your time with school work. If you don´t understand something, ask the teacher
  • keep a sense of humor.

domingo, 30 de junio de 2013

Boas vacacións

Cos nosos mellores desexos para este verán.
Unha mensaxe pendente para Andoni: non hai cuadernillo de lengua

O exame de setembro será, na liña cos que xa fixemos durante o curso, tipo test, con preguntas tipo verdadeiro-falso e múltiple resposta con algunha figura para completar os nomes das partes sinaladas

jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

Visita a Illa de Ons con Campus do Mar

A Asociación de Oceanógrafos de Galicia organiza unha visita e rutas na illa de Ons desde Bueu o 8 de xuño, se queredes ir, acompañados por algún familiar, podedes consultar toda a información aquí. Hai que inscribirse.

lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

Final Premio Luis Freire

Xa temos os traballos premiados no Premio Luis Freire, sinto dicirvos que non foi seleccionado ningún traballo de 3ºESO, foron seleccionados 2 traballos de 4ºESO do IES Rosalía. Non hai que desanimarse e o próximo curso con máis experiencia e tempo teremos máis oportunidades.

Para mais información consultade o blog condarwin para o alumnado de 4ºESO, e así ídesvos habituando a 4º.

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

Unit7: Human reproduction

What are the changes that take place during adolescence as the reproductive system develops. Is the same sex and reproduction?. How the foetus develops in the womb?
Let´s start with the BBC Revision Bite with 3 parts: Revise, activity and a test
The male reproductive system, and the female (at skool.co.uk), and much more help on iespebilingue.
Female reproductive cycle (high level) video
Human reproduction at Biodeluna
Reviewing the concepts: try on some tests (Biology of Humans)
Algúns videos: Adolescencia 1 ,   ou o video enteiro .  La adolescencia  Gametogénesis, fecundación e implantación.
Practice english with puberty videos:  1 , Puberty for girls  ,   and for boys  , Test tube conception , From 0 to 9 months .

Vai aquí unha copia da entrada feita no curso 2012-12, en galego e castelá. É interesante coñecer os procesos, a investigación coas células nai traerá novos tratamentos a enfermidades hoxe incurables. Consulta os gráficos deste enlace

Reprodución e sexualidad 

A sexualidade, unjas veces ligada á reproducción e outras non vainos acompañar ó longo da nos a vida, especialmente na adolescencia e idade adulta. Debemos coñecer algúns aspectos da nosa sexualidade e respetar sempre as relacións sexuais dos demais, e sempre sen ningún tipo de presión ou acoso.
Para coñecer os aparatos reproductores: Animacións de Ciencias  , Sexualidade e reproducción,  BlogdePaloma ,  REbelion hormonal1   4  e 5  (tomados da serie El cuerpo humano )  Sexualidade na adolescencia  , o embarazo
Tamén podedes votar un vistazo a este Lip Dup
As relacións sexuais sen poden traer consecuencias: embarazos non desecados, enfermedades venéreas (SIDA, sífilis, ...) polo que deberes coñecer as diferentes formas de practicar sexo seguro: métodos anticonceptivos ,  ¿ Que es el SIDA?   Documental VIH SIDA

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

Hormones and senses

Hormones are susbstances that help nervous system to control our body functions. Hormones travel through the bloodstream, they reach all the tissues but each one acts only on specific cells.
You can find more on hormones and endocrine system here:
Sensory receptors are responsible for detecting changes in the world around us. They can be just nerves   in muscles or skin, specilized cells in eyes, or ears, these are our senses.
You can find more about our senses here: Eye anatomyHow the eye works1, 2How we hear,  and receptors and effectors  eye and optical illusions (colorblindness test "test daltonismo") .  Try on this  Sense challenge! .
Those who are swapping your class have to read and do exercises pp 114 up to 103 and page 110 1 to 6 exercises. Enjoy it!.
We are not going to study skeletal and muscles, we will jump into the reproductive system.
What is synesthesia?
Some quizzes to practice:  QLD Teachers,  Proprofs,      to review vocabulary,  Interactive Biology ,  Softschools.com ,  CCSF ,

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

Campamentos de verán

Estamos no tempo para solicitar campamentos de verán se interesan:

Aquí está toda a información dos campamentos de verán, tanto os de 9 a 17 anos como os de 18 a 35 anos:

Tamén están os campamentos de idiomas da consellería de educación para a ESO E Bacharelato:

Os campamentos de idiomas do Ministerio de Educación para 5º , 6º de primaria e 1º da ESO:

lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013

Premio Luis Freire

Espero ter tempo a partir desta semana para dirixirvos as experiencias que foron selecionadas para o Premio Luis Freire. Tedes algunha información complementaria para baixar na aula virtual.
A continuación vai un guión de como pode ser a memoria final :

Memorias: antes do 19 abril, ultimo día entrega dun borrador no que irán incluídos os seguintes apartados:

1ª páxina: título (centrado na páxina e no medio) ,  e nomes completos dos/as autores/as, data e IES Rosalía Castro (abaixo e máis pequeno)
2ª páxina: un índice: título dos apartados e páxinas, cada apartado comezará nunha páxina. Isto claro está se a memoria ten varias páxinas.
3ª páxina e seguintes: (cada páxina comezará nun apartado)
            Introdución: xustificación da importancia da investigación. Un resumo do que debemos saber  do tema
            Obxectivo: breve descrición do que queremos averigüar, e porque é de interese educativo e científico
            Descrición das tarefas a realizar ou realizadas xa, así como o reparto dos traballos
            Se podemos e procede facemos un deseño segundo o método científico:
                        Variables:independente, dependente, controladas
                        Grupo control e grupo experimental
                        Método: paso a paso
                        Resultados, datos obtidos, mellor acompañar de fotos
                        Satisfacen os resultados á hipótese de traballo?
                        Como se podería mellorar a experiencia?

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013

Unit 5. The nervous and endocrine systems

D Santiago Ramón y Cajal ensinando
Can you  be sure of what you see, hear, smell, taste or touch? In this chapter, you´ll learn how you experience your environment through your senses. You´ll see how the senses send information to your nervous system and how your brain interprets the messages.
But things aren´t always they seem. For example, look at these optical illusions.
These links can help you to study the nervous system: 1, 2, 3 and 4. Synapse, two neurons connected
There is a documentary called  "El cerebro automático: el poder del inconsciente" It describes our brain and some functions, and we are studing some topics related to. Other videos: "Nuestro cerebro"  Como aprendemos Aprende a estudiar   Como hacer esquemas   
A new Brain Map Project is starting at USa, like the Human Genome Project, some scientists are going to work together to know how our brain works, it is our next goal, and we´ll get it!.

domingo, 20 de enero de 2013

Biology Hat Trick

Three pupils of the IES Rosalía were the best in the Galician  "Olimpiada de Bioloxía" phase celebrated January. The pupils were: Paula RodríguezAlberto Rama and Fernando Castro, they were selected for the following national phase, they are going to be great!.
Congratulations to all of them, and to all those that decide to present themselves to these competitions.

domingo, 13 de enero de 2013

Unit 4 The circulatory and excretory systems

There is an excellent blog made in a science bilingual project, we are going to use it as a source of good learning material, for example this one related to circulatory system.
How can we measure blood pressure?
How a normal heart pumps blood?
And please donét forget the lymphatic system,  another video.
The best 2012 scientific video is catalan and about the heart,    let´s look at it

And now, lets´look at our kidneys: How kidneys work,  The kidneys ,  kidney: structure and function ;  and nephron