sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012

Digestion. A window at the stomach

A French Canadian, Alexis St Martin, was accidentally shot in his side on June 6, 1822, Dr Beaumont treated him, and although St Martin recovered, he had an opening nearly 2cm across that led directly into his stomach. Dr Beaumont used him as human guinea pig to study works. St Martin lived with the hole in his stomach until he died in 1880, at the age of 82.
This was the first documented study of digestion.
Nowadays we know digestion process quite well. We are studying digestion these days and you have to prepare next exam, reading unit 3 and doing exercises. You can find digestion table and presentation at Rosalia virtual class.
To those who like cooking I recomend a movie: "Julie & Julia" Nora Ephrom ( trailer )

UNIT 3 EXAM: you can practice doing tests at internet. Type nutrition quiz or test at google, clik on one do it and check answers. I am getting questions from these quizzes!

Fruit and health weeks at the Rosalia

We had enjoyed  healthy weeks, corridors were full of colours, fruit quite tasteful, and students could try different and good quality snacks, like grapes, bananas, pears, apples and even melon or granadas. We would like to say thanks to María,    which helped and were cutting and preparing meals. 
We are looking forward to hearing from the next fruit snacks at our corridor.

domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

Como podemos recoñecer os cogumelos?

Saber que cogomelos podo comer pasa por practicar a observación. Que debo mirar?  Como podo distinguir unhas doutras?. Non hai regras xerais, digan o que vos digan.  Tan só debemos aprender a recoñecelas unha por unha, é dicir aprender doutras persoas que teñen moita práctica en saír ó campo e recoñecer os cogomelos. 
Persoalmente penso que para comer cogomelos debemos empezar por comer un fácil de recoñecer, logo 2 logo 3, ... e pouco a pouco, collendo práctica saíndo ó campo sempre acompañados, con cestas, uha guía de especies, e recollendo SO AS QUE ESTAMOS SEGUROS DE QUE PODEMOS COMER.   Se hai dubidas ou inseguridade buscade á volta alguén que certifique as comestibles.
Temos moitos cogomelos no noso campo e montes, e moi variados, son deliciosos, e un excelente motivo para saír  nestes días  outonais  con unhas cores na paisaxe incomparables.
De axuda pode servir este vídeo, para empezar. E seguen aquí algunhas guías: en Asturias,   Cesta y Setas,  Guía en pdf para descargar,